Friday, October 5, 2007

Fridays 10 Blessings:)

My day started out like any other day. I was not expecting anything to go on, but the floors getting mopped. I figured I would take a shower then get busy on my housework. My day was planned, shower, housework ,then some R&R.

I get out of the shower and see that while I was in there someone had called and left 2 messages. It was my friend Stacy. I had been telling her about a museum I went to and she wanted to know if I wanted to go with her so she could check it out. I jumped at the chance to go back and said sure. That was blessing #1.

She comes to pick me up and tells me that she would like to find something else to do also so she would not have to go back home until it was time for her kids to get home. I suggest going to a little second hand store near by. I have been wanting to go there for a couple of weeks but did not want to go alone. It can be kind of boring shopping by yourself. That was blessing #2.

We get to the store and are walking around when Stacy comes across 2 sets of bib shorts. She was wanting to get her daughter a pair but did not have the money for a new pair. She got both pair at the store for under$2.00. We were looking for other bargains when out of the corner of my eye I see a black Bible. I was needing a new one but did not have the money to purchase one brand new. This Bible looked like the binder had never been cracked. I walk over to take a better look and right next to it was a beautiful Red one. I had to get both. That was blessings#3&4.

We take our stuff up to the counter so we can pay and I remember seeing a sign when I came in that said all books on sale. I figure I would get a really good deal on the Bibles. Boy, did I ever. The lady goes to ring up my purchases when another lady comes up to her from behind. I smile politely at her and she smiles back. Then she looks at the lady that is ringing stuff up and tells her to let me have the second Bible for free. I walked out of the store with 5 books, and a cassette tape and only paid $1.75. I not only got a good deal but I got a friendly smile also! That was blessing#5.

We finally make it to the museum and I show her all the neat old stuff and we take a few pictures of her being silly. We go to the gift shop so she can see all the stuff they have to sell. I had been there before so I knew that most of the stuff in there was way over priced, but I always liked to look. The gift shop lady comes up to us and says that all the items on the table in front of us are 50% off. I was so happy:) There were cute little prayer boxes on the table, I wanted one. I had just enough money to get three of the pendents, 1 for me and 2 for gifts, and a key chain. That was blessing#6We go to the bake shop in the museum and Stacy buys me 2 cookies as a thank you for coming with her. That was blessing #7, because they were really good cookies.

We go to the south end of town because Stacy swore she saw the orange General Lee car. We get to where she thought she saw it and there it was. I take a picture of it because I know my hubby will love to have a picture of it to add to his collection of car pics. That was blessing #8.

I finally get home, get all my house work done and still have time to relax. Kevin comes home and hands me $40.00. I look at him with confusion and say OK whats this. He smiles and says we are going out to dinner. His boss is buying our meal. That was blessing#9.

We come home from the restaurant and Kevin goes to take out the trash. Our neighbors moved and left a lot of stuff behind. The owner of the house we know very well and she has told us on a number of occasions that whatever she sets out we may have because the tenants will not be back for it. So tonight Kevin noticed she sat out a nice glass patio table. The chairs need repaired but we know how to do that. We were needing another table for out side parties and now we have one. That was blessing #10

I would have to say that today was a pretty great day:)


  1. Sindi,

    Your message at my Seek Him First blog was a blessing to me. Thank you for stopping by.

    I also see you value friendship as highly as I do.

    And lastly, I like to go treasure hunting at thrift shops also, and my favorite finds are usually book.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  2. Oh, Sindi, this is such a GREAT post. It leaves me smiling all the time and feeling HAPPY, too!!!

    I also LOVE going to second-hand shops he he he he...

  3. Hi Sindi,
    Thanks for visiting my blog, good luck with the no smoking, you're doing real well. Glad you had a great day.
    Thanks for the comments.
    Azzy X

  4. 74,

    My friends are just another great blesing to me and I don't think I could live if I did not have them. I love to treasure hunt too.


    I am so happy to hear that I put a smile on your face, and that you like second hand stores. A girl has got to shop HE HE HE!!!!


    Thanks I will try my best.


    I thought it was a Glorious Day!! :)
