Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ghost Stories From My Family.

OK, here is my idea for the month of October. October is the month for Spooks and Goblins. October is one of my favorite months because of Halloween and it is the month I was born, yea me! So to celebrate I am going to write stories I have collected from friends and family. I thought it could be fun to go around to family and friends and see what ghost stories they have heard or lived. It may turn out to be very scary! NOT! HE HE HE HE :)


  1. Hey, this is a COOL idea, Sindi!!! I LOVE ghost stories and horror movies he he he...;-D

    Btw, THANKS for sharing the game ideas with kids he he he...I'll surely ask you when I need more ideas later on. ;-D

    Do you want to do the Dinner Party meme? I don't like tagging people too much for fear that they're busy, but if you're interested, I'll add your name in the post. I wanna know what kind of party you're gonna host he he he...

  2. We dont know each other but here's one from India.Its a little scary and I try not to think of stuff like this.
    But a friend said a room was haunted in her house and they would not go in there but she defied everyone and went in there and the spirit/ghost whatever twisted the gold bangles on her arm into differant shapes !
    Thats the last time I went to her house!!

  3. Hey Poo,

    I love that you shared that story with me and it gave me another great idea. I want to put your story and others in my post also. I think that it will make it even more interesting. Thanks for the idea even if you were not trying to give me one. HE HE HA HA

  4. Hi Sindi,
    Thankyou for dropping by my blog and commenting,I have to apologise for the lack of me replying but I am getting ready for a hectic week and I promise I will do so when I finish up !!

  5. The only ghost stories i know of is the man that had a hook and killed teen when they went up on the hill to makeout or something like that. you know me im a big SCAREDY (think thats how u spell it) CAT i can watch a scary movie two times and still jump out of my skin. ha ha ha
