Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Black Friday

I am writing this post because Cliff from Seek Him First had asked in one of his post, "why" people go out the day after Thanksgiving. Here is the reason I do.

Most people call it Black Friday but I call it crazy day. It is the day when all the stores price their merchandise in the black. Up until about 5 or 6 years ago I would have never ever thought of going out of my house the day after Thanksgiving. I had seen all the horror stories on T.V. and could not believe people could act that way. One year Stacy asked me to go with her, and I was freaked out. I have never been the type of person to get out in the world. People I don't know scare me. I just don't like people to much because they are always mean and laugh or snicker at me so I just stay home.

As I was saying, Stacy asked me to go, and I freaked. Then I started to think , why am I letting mean people run my life. Why am I so afraid of these people. I went, and was so scared I almost peed myself, but I did it. We ran from one store to another getting great bargains on gifts. I am not a wealthy person so I have to watch what I spend. I was able to get gifts for family and friends and not feel bad, because they were really good gifts.

There have been times when I came across rude people and I have just overlooked them. I took my mother with me one year and a fight broke out. We had been standing in line ,in the cold for 2 hours and when the doors came open other people jumped out of their cars and rushed the doors. The people who had stood in the cold became angry and started fighting with them. I had my mother , brother and friend Beth with me that year. Beth and I were trying to protect my little, under 5 foot ,mother from being stomped on and we were almost thrown through the glass side windows at Menard's. My Brother had been pushed the other direction so he could not get to us to help. I had never been that scared in my life and I Loved it. My brother also loved it and now he gos with me every year even if he has no money.

This year was the first year I was unable to go. I did miss it but I know there is always next year. For me it is not only getting good deals but shows me that I can go out into the world and not be afraid. I have learned that I can deal with mean and rude people and handle myself. It is one of the scariest days of the year and I can say I am one of those crazy people that run out to get that bargain. HE HE HE HE :)


  1. I still like what I am usually doing that day and at that time-staring at the insides of my eyelids.

  2. next year baby just me you and thousand others standing out in the cold.LOL I missed you this year to can't wait.

  3. That's the spirit, Sindi!!! I actually never heard of Black Friday until I started blogging he he he he he...

  4. Well I have never shopped on black friday but I usually worked it. Being in retail I guess that's the price. But I know how people get out there. It's crazy.
