Thursday, November 1, 2007

Report Cards:)

I had to just write a quick blog about my son's report card. I am so proud of him. He has had me worried because of how busy he has been. He has been going to school all day then would go to Basketball practise for 2 hours and then after that he would go for 2 hours of football practice. He would then come home and do his chores and any homework he would have. After all that he would eat dinner and take a shower then head off to bed. I was expecting his grades to slip a little but I got a big surprise. This is his report card. He made a 4.0 and all A's. I had to go to the school to pick up his report card and have a meeting with each teacher. Every time I came to a different one and said who's parent I was they just smiled really big. By the time I left the school I was beaming. I was so proud of him. The teachers said that he was a great student and that their jobs would be so much easier if all the student were like him. One teacher even said that she knows she does not need to worry about what he is doing because she knows he is always doing what he is suppose to be doing. OK, I am done bragging now, I just had to brag a little. You can't blame a Mommy for being proud:)


  1. You brag all you want!! You have every reason to be bragging! What a wonderful report card. I know you are soooo proud of him.

  2. I know I said it when I was there but CONGRATS again. I agree with Kathy brag all you want. I am so proud of him

  3. Keep on giving him positive reenforcement, and he will keep on making you proud.

  4. You SHOULD be proud of him. I WOULD if I had a son like him. All A and A+ too?!?!?!? WOOOOOOOWWWW!!!

    You've gotta share your Mommy secrets with me later when I have a kid/kids someday he he he he he...

  5. Wow !Thats a great report card!!
    You have bragging rights !!!
    My step son gets a lot of F's and he tried to tell me it meant Fantastic!

  6. Everyone,

    Thanks for putting up with my bragging. It is good to know I can brag and not be looked down upon because of it.

