Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Day of Cooking :)

Today is my day of cooking. In my family the day before Thanksgiving is the busiest. I know most families do all their cooking on Thanksgiving but then the women are busy cooking while the men are watching football, NOT FARE! In my family we cook or prepare everything the day before so the women can also enjoy Thanksgiving. I love to cook so it does not really matter to me but the guys love it because all I have to do the next day is heat everything up and cook some of the smaller items a they can eat all day long and watch the game. See I have already stared my cooking. My cooking will not be finished until all these bowls and pans are full. Here is a picture of all the food piled on my counter. I have a very busy day ahead of me.Here is a list of everything I am cooking and the day after Thanksgiving I will post pictures of each dish so everyone can see all the goodies. Right now I am boiling the eggs for Deviled Eggs. Here is another little perk about my family. We have different words for common everyday things, in other words we talk funny. In my family they are not called deviled eggs they are called God eggs. See here are the God eggs cooking now. HE HE HE HE:) I am also cooking the chicken right now for chicken and noodles. I will not add the noodles until tomorrow but cooking the chicken the day before gives me one less this to do tomorrow. We will also be having Turkey. I bought a 19 pound one, I just hope it is big enough. there will be mashed potatoes that I will peel and slice today but will not cook until tomorrow. I will also be waiting to cook tomorrow the shells and Cheese, the corn and the crescent rolls. Today I will make the turkey,Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
a Swedish Walnut cake, a cherry cheese cake,a pineapple upside down cake, home made onion dip, a cheese ball, sausage and cheese appetizers, God eggs, and 8 pumpkin Pies. There would have been more but I ran out of money HE HE HE HE:) Then when I am all through with that, I have to cook dinner. I will be a busy little beaver HE HE HE HE :)

OK, in ending this post I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


  1. Ok, I'm coming up to your house for Thanksgiving! It all sounds wonderful -- you must be expecting a bunch of people! I really like you name of "God eggs". I think I'll start using that and stop giving the devil credit for something so yummy! Sindi, have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Looks great. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  3. Oh cook ALL THOSE? You're INCREDIBLE! ;-D

    And they all sound SO tasty...can't wait to see pics of them he he he...

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Sindi! And I LOVE that turkey cartoon HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE...You always make me smile! ;-D

  4. Happy Thanksgiving sis! I'll apple salad for you and the sweet potato casserole.

  5. Sounds yummy.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  6. is your thanksgiving yesterday :)
