Friday, January 4, 2008


I was awarded the petticoat junction Top Banana by Cliff of Seek Him First. Thank You Cliff for this award. I think I deserve it because I can be a little bananas at times.

I was awarded both of these by Michelle of Rusin Round Up. Thank You Michelle very much:)

Crystal and Juianna awarded this to their blog roll. Thank you guys

Juliana awarded this one to every one who came to her site so thanks go out to her.

As a gift to everyone who has given Mel, from Attitude the Ultimate Power, an award he awarded all of them. Here are the awards from him that I had not already been awarded.

I want to give all of these awards to anyone who comes to my site. :)


  1. Time to get a new trophy case, huh?

  2. Dang!

    But from what I can see thus far...
    You Goooooooooo Girrrrrrrrl!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
