Monday, February 4, 2008

Dog Sitting :)

My friend Stacy from My Thoughts came to me two week ago and asked me if I would watch her dog, Dafney, while she was out of town on January 26-28. I will admit I was a little freaked out. I have watched a lot of kids over the past 20 years but never a dog. I was worried about what would happen between her dog and mine. I was also afraid I would lose her. Stacy lived across the street from me when she first got Dafney. I know that Dafney is a little escape artist. I was afraid she would get out and then I would have to tell Stacy's 2 girls that I lost there beloved Dog. I would never be able to look at them again if that happened.

I think I was more afraid of what would happen if I did not agree. Dafney is getting old and she has seizers that can get bad. With all the fears I had I still agreed, because that is what friends do for each other.They did bring her over a couple of days early and left her for about a half an hour to see how she would react. She cried but she was good.

They brought her over on Saturday morning. The poor thing would not walk away from my front door. She looked as if she were waiting for them to return like they did the last time. She even fell asleep in front of the door. She did not want to move.

Michelle from Rusin Round Up stopped by with her little girl, Faith. Faith layed on the floor with Dafney because she felt sorry for the big doggie.

Most of the weekend Dafney waited for her family to return. When she was done waiting on that side of my love seat, she would move to this side of the love seat to wait.My little dog T.J. tried to keep her company. I think he wanted to cheer her up. He even slept with her so she would not be lonely.

A neighbor stopped by and brought with her a little friend. It was so little that my small dog in the background of this picture looks big.

Dafney was not enthused by the little pup at all.Dafney did finally sleep good the last night she was with us. I think she was getting use to us now.

The last day was the worst because not only was Dafney looking for her families return but so was T.J. They did return and when she saw them pull up I thought she was going to break out my front room window. Dafney is home now and living it up being very happy with her family.


  1. I came here by way of WIXY's Blog.

    This is such a sweet story to read first thing in the morning. The dogs are beautiful!

  2. I loved your story with all the pictures! I felt so sorry for her because it looked like she missed her family so much.

  3. You are such a good Mommy, Sindi.

    Talk about love.
    This story shows it all!

    Call me next time, I'll bring my deer...."Peweebles". Hes a young buck and is curled up at my feet as blog.

    Yup, a bloggerly supportive young buck.

    Oh my!

    Anyone up for deer sitting?


  4. Hi Sindi
    Poor Dafney!I dogsit for friends all the time too and they usually hang out at the last spot that their owners were at!!

  5. PS:Mine does not care at all when I drop him off .He is happy and explores his new home !

  6. Thank you very much my sindi and dafney told me she really enjoyed staying at your house.

    P.S. Dafney and Stoney got out of the yard today they are bad dogs LOL:)

  7. It's a very nice story..They are so cute..

    Anyways, you have a nice you at big bang list..

    You love Mariah also I see..I am her fan also..

    Good day to you..Hope to hear from you
