Saturday, March 22, 2008

H a p p y E a s t e r ! ! ! ! ! ! !


For He has risen- Matthew 28:6


God BlessBunny


  1. Happy easter to you, hope you have a blessed holiday. Thanks for visiting my blog, I am going to add you to my favorites.

  2. What a beautiful Easter post. This day is special time, and is like a new beginning.
    You know, I was not going to do any blogging today, as I'm pretty tired after a really long day at work, but as I just walked by the computer, I saw you had left a comment ... and what a nice one at that. Thank you so much :)
    Sometimes when I write a more serious type of post, I wonder how people will react. You made me feel happy that I did share some personal thoughts.
    I did not try the soup recipe yet, but I will soon. I can't cook to well, but I do enjoy making soups, chili, and things of that nature.
    You might be interested in something called "What's Cooking Wednesday" by a lady named Darlene. You can do a recipe post and have it linked there. the URL is

    HAPPY EASTER to you, and many blessings for the rest of the year.

    Your friend Eric from "Speedcat Hollydale"

  3. hi, first time here. U have a nice blog

  4. Happy belated Easter Sindi! I hope you had a very awesome one!! Feeling better breaking that cold I had.
