Friday, March 28, 2008

Random Thoughts

Have you ever just sat down to type and drew a blank? Then from out of no where you come up with some of the most off the wall crap. Thoughts just start to run through your head and you have no idea where they came from or why they are there. I am having one of those nights. It is about 1:20 in the morning and I should go to bed,but I just don't want to. I am feeling like a defiant child that wants to fight with their parent about bed time, but I am an adult. That means there is no one to tell me to go to bed.

The thought of my friend Mike just popped in my head. He has moved away and I miss talking to him. We keep in touch but it has been hard because we both are so busy. See what I mean, another random thought just running in my head.

I did stop by some blogs and read but after awhile my eyes start to hurt. I popped over to my new friend Speedcat Hollydale's blog.His blog makes me smile. I like to go over there and play with his fish tank. He has a picture of himself playing golf in the background, so for fun I like to feed the fish, on his head. HE HE HE HE HE Sorry, Eric. He has a great blog so if you get a chance go check it out.

More random thoughts.....
I started thinking about Cliff. Cliff has 2 blogs I love to go to. One is Seek Him First and the other is WIXY Gone Bananas. Cliff lost a loved one recently,his brother, and has written some wonderful post about his brother on His Gone Bananas blog. One thing that keeps running through my mind about Cliff is how even in a time of sadness he still thinks of others. Cliff has been sending me e-mails called Today's Turning Point. Getting and reading them have become a big part of my life, and I look forward to getting them. Even though I know Cliff must have been going through a rough time, he still sent me my usual e-mail. Cliff is a true blue friend and I am so honored to be one of his friends. If you get a chance please go by WIXY Gone Bananas, the stories about his brother will touch your heart.

It is 1:45 in the morning and I still have no desire to go to bed. I know I will hate myself when I have to get up in a couple of hours. I just keep remembering that tomorrow is my last day of freedom before spring break starts here. My son and his friends will be playing video games until all hours of the night.I will have a week of teen age boys complaining of being hungry all day long instead of just after school. Could be fun, I always get talked into playing against one of them in a game. They seem to think that just because I have not held a controller in a couple of months,my game system broke, that I can't hold my own.I may be getting old , but I am not that old yet.

OK, I guess I have given everyone a small look inside my thoughts. Now you all KNOW I am crazy, HE HE HE HE HE God Bless and Good night:-)


  1. Sindi,

    Thank you for all your kind words. The Turning Point devotional is a blessing to me also. David Jeremiah has a way of simplifying things about the Lord and touches everybody who reads them.

    The story about my brother was originally going to be one post and out, but the project took on a life of it's own. I felt like Ricky and my mom had a hand in writing them.

    And you owe it to yourself to kick your son's butt in the video games, especially after him not showing any gratitude last weekend.

  2. Good night. Get plenty of rest. You will need it for the impending gaming. tee hee

  3. ... I thought I was the only one feeding the fish! LOL!!!
    As far as staying up too late, I'm right there with you, and do it all the time :-)
    Have a great weekend,

  4. Hey Sindi! I haven't been able to visit blogs a lot lately so I'm just catching up. Hope you caught up on your sleep by now. I'm sorry you didn't have a good Easter -- I hope things are better now. Oh, by the way, my potato soup I made the other night turned out great!!

  5. Hi Sindi ... enjoyed my visit here today. Thanks for dropping by.

    Also, stop calling yourself "fat" .. you are a "big and beautiful woman" ...

    You have a good weekend, and rest your eyes, as I know how you fee.

  6. Hey Sindi!

    Love the way your mind works!
    I sooooo understand that.

    Hope you are well rested by now.

    I'm off to check out these fish!


    Have a super day!

  7. Hahaha Sindi the same thing happens to me! Hope you get some rest soon! :D

  8. Cliff is the salt of the earth. So are you Sindi. Love reading your posts, random or not.

  9. Yes I have been here, in this situation. I wrote a post like this a few days ago asking if I have nothing to say, what am I doing here? And I wound up saying plenty! I think we were experiencing the same thing!!

    I am going to check out some of the folks linked to your site.

    Be blessed.

