Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I first learned about Wordless Wednesday on Idaho Daily Photo. It looked like fun so I am trying it out. These are pictures I took Monday of the stormy sky.

I hope everyone likes my first attempt at Wordless Wednesday .


  1. Welcome to WW! Great first post. Nice progression from Stormy sky to the moon just peeking through.

  2. Great job! Welcome to WW. It's highly addictive, just like anything to do with blogging.

  3. Wow! Those are great shots. They look like a painting!

    However, more like, how it looks right now here in NH.

    Hope you stop on by and see a cute and darling playhouse!

  4. hi there... nice site.. care to exchange links??? good day... please drop me a message.. very nice pics there!!!

  5. WOW!!! those are some great picture they might be the best you have ever taken:) oh besides the ones on me:) LOL!!!! I like it great post

  6. i like! specially your bottom moon pic...

    since the advent of the digital camera i've noticed the ordinary public have become FAR more adventurous in what they'll dare photograph... e.g. reflections on water (idaho, where I've just come from) and skies like you...

    i remember feeling really extravagant taking sky pixx on a 110 camera in the mid 1980s... they came out wonderful but it was such a surprise that they did!

  7. YEA! You did a great job on your Wordless Wednesday post. The sky where we are is grey and ominous. I like your photos better than the real thing! Thanks for the Birthday wishes for my hubby!


  8. Great photos. I say more but that would require more words.

    giggle, tee hee, snerx

  9. Super photos! Amazing how good a "wordless" post can be.
    Glad the rankwidget thing is solved. It was a panic situation for me as well.

    Say, does this wordless wednesday have a master list of participants??

    Have a great week - what's left!

  10. Absolutely beautiful shots!!

  11. EXCELLENT shots for a first try, Sindi!!!

    I particularly LOVE the one before last and the last one. What kind of camera do you use? ;-D

  12. Love it! I have lot's of sky pics on my blog too. :)

  13. Good job Sindi! I love the sky photos very nice!! See I knew you would like WW!! That potato soup looked good to!! :D
