Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Part 2 of Last Week


Friday Michelle wanted to go to a couple of places to see if we could get some nice Wordless Wednesday pictures. She knew of a very nice fountain at a cemetery, so our first stop was the cemetery. She was right, the fountain was a great place to take some photos of Faith. I snapped one of her too. HE HE HE HE :-) I took some nice pictures there but this one of Faith looking up at Jesus is my favorite. We finished up there and headed to a local park. On the way to the park we stopped off at the thrift shop. I wanted to show Michelle where I had gotten my good deals on books. I just could not leave without buying more books. I bought 5 more books to add to my growing pile of things to read. We were off to the park. I have been to this park several times but there were places in the park I had never known were there. Michelle wanted to show me all the cool places. Michelle and her Hubby spend the summers camping here so she knows the park inside and out. This picture does not even come close to how beautiful it was there.I had Michelle take a picture of me on the dock. It was so peaceful there. I want to come back and picnic here this summer.We walked on a trail through the woods that lead us to the other side of the lake and the camp grounds. Faith picked me a flower on our walk over there. Michelle spotted a turtle and went after the little guy. I could not believe she caught him, he was moving fast. Faith was not to excited to see him, so Michelle let him go. This is Faith waving Bye to him. We did a lot of walking and I took a picture of the both of them walking a head of me.Michelle thought this spot was good for a picture and she was right.This is Faith at the top of a hill we had to walk up. I almost killed myself walking up the dang thing, walking down was so much easier.Michelle had told me about a labyrinth in the park. I never knew it was there. Faith had to pose one more time before Michelle and I walked the labyrinth. I took this photo when we were exactly across from each other following the maze.You never know what you miss in life unless you go looking for it. We had a great time Friday on our little trip.


I liked it so much that I went back on Saturday to show Beth and Kevin. Beth has been camping in this park for years. She knew about the docks and just had to pose for a picture. Then I had her take one of me. You could tell I was tired from the previous days events. She did not know about the maze. I showed her and Kevin the maze and they both walked it.
After Beth was done she just had to be funny so she had me take a picture of her half dead after walking it. She is such a corn ball.

We walked on some trails and by the time we were done, I was done. I went home to relax for the rest of the day.

Stacy stopped by on Sunday for a short visit. Her parents had taken a trip to Mexico and brought me back a gift. They know how much I like frogs so they brought me one. I have a frog that came all the way from Mexico. He is soooooooo cute. I was invited to a Birthday Party for my sister's kids. My niece and nephew were having there Birthday party together at the roller rink. This is my nephew Cody. This is my niece Caitlyn.The party was fun and I really loved watching the kids skate.


We had a big storm here on Monday. There was a lot of wind and hail. I just had to get this shot of the sky.
This is my camera, for those of you who have asked about my photos and what camera I use. It is a Sanyo and I got it at Wal-mart for $85.00. I have dropped it and the poor thing has gone through the ringer. It also sucks the life out of AA batteries. I need to just buy a battery company. HE HE HE HE HE :


  1. Great pictures! You might want to try using rechargable batteries. That's what we use in our camera.

  2. great photos and you could have left the pics of me out I looked awful LOL! I had a great time.

  3. Wow so many awesome photos Sindi! You are having a great time with your camera and thank you for sharing your photos with us!!
