Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wow! It's Been A Long Time

I must say it has been a very long time since I have sat down and just wrote out a post. I keep trying to come back but then I start to think, "Will any one care what I have to say?" or "Do I have anything interesting to write about?" I have answered both questions easily by looking back at prior posts. Yes and Yes. You all come and leave comments so I know you care and I always have something to say. What I have to say may not seem interesting to me but it could possible be to someone else.

I had been looking for many years for a church to join and call my home. I prayed about it a lot and one night just said to God" I am leaving it up to you". I got my answer that following Wednesday in the laundry mat. I was baptised last October. I greatly enjoy serving God and helping out at my church. I enjoy the fellowship and feel that I have found where God wants to use me.

My friend Robin and I have started a craft club for ladies. She and I are the only ones that are there every Saturday but even if it is just me and her hanging out, it's a great joy.We talk and laugh and right now we are doing scrap booking. I am making a scrapbook of pictures for my son. I know he will love it when he gets older and has his own kids to show it too. Robin and I have also taken over cleaning the church. I forgot how a church can echo when no one is there. I find my self singing while I clean and boy is it loud.

I have joined the choir. I have spent about 3 months trying to put together some choir hymnals for choir. My Pastor and his wife have a few books that are very old so I said I would copy the pages and put into books so their books would not get ruined. The hymnals turned out very nice. It makes me feel good to know I could do something to help out. I love singing in the choir but what I love more is the goofing around. My Pastor sometimes likes to start singing before us and he can't just stop in the middle so he sings it really fast and it always makes me laugh.

I have been asked to help out for Vacation Bible School and I am very excited. I will teach the crafts. I have been looking for weeks for the supplies we need. We all decided it would be cheaper to find the supplies and buy them ourselves then to buy the kits. I did find all the supplies but then had to cut out the different pieces that the kids will need. I have picked one craft for each day and I know the kids will have a blast. I will post later showing the crafts we will do.

It has been a crazy past few months but I am having fun and I am enjoying every minute of it.


  1. Hey, I'm HAPPY to hear about your life and how you found a church for you. :-))) I know you're talented in doing crafts, so I know everybody else will enjoy you as the teacher. :-D

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