Monday, November 14, 2011

Random Crap

Random Crap from A to Z

A - Attached or Single? Attached
B - Best Friend? Beth, Robin, Richard, Michelle,and Nathan Friends? Manny, Speedy and many many more
C - Cake or Pie?
Pumpkin Pie.
D - Day of choice? Sunday
E - Essential Item? Bible
F - Favorite Color? Blue
G - Greatest Accomplishment? My Son
H - Hometown? Terre Haute
I - Indulgences –
All of my crafting supplies and gifts for others
J - January or July? July
K – Kids? 1 Shawn
M - Marriage Date? February 8, 2001
N - Number of Siblings? 1 younger sister and 1 younger brother

O - Oranges or Apples? Apples
P - Phobias? Fear of people and places but I am trying to over come that

Q - Quotes? Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger
R - Reason to smile? God’s Blessings
S - Season? Fall-the changing colors and Spring for the growing flowers.
T - Tag 3 friends – I tag all my friends
U - Unknown fact about me – I cry alone at night sometimes because I can't handle
everything like I let on that I can.
V - Very favorite star? William Fitchner
W - Worst Habit? Trusting to easily
X - X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound
Y - Your favorite food?
Potato soup,Meat loaf with potatoes & carrots or Tator tot casserole
Z - Zodiac? Libra/ Scorpio

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