Monday, January 16, 2012

Random Things To Talk About

I went through the pictures on my computer and thought all of these would be nice to share. These pictures are just random pictures so i will have to explain them.


I was asked to paint a boat for vacation bible school. I was given this plain boat. I then drew on all my lives and things in pencil because I knew I was going to make mistakes. My boat looked really good when I finally got it finished. Kevin also colored a boat. For my Sunday School class Robin and I took photos of the kids and added them to a bulletin board so they could see all the things they did in class.There was a yard sale held this year to raise money for the church's carpet fund. I made pumpkin bread. I made a lot of pumpkin I then stood out by the road yelling "pumpkin bread for sale" dressed as a pumpkin. My grandmother gave me a set of really old cast iron toys. She told me they were for my son. I love to get them out and look at them. Last year my friend Beth over did it with growing tomatoes. She gave a lot to my mom. I could not believe how many there were. Mom had some inside the house too. She even had one shaped like a butt. My mom and brother had some old bread they were throwing out. They went out back and decided they would try and aim for the fire pit. As you can see but all the bread AROUND the pit, they didn't do so

Last but not least. One day in craft club Robin and I were eating cheese its that had scrabble letters on them. We played the game then ate the

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