Wednesday, June 27, 2012

An update on things going on in my Life

I have been super busy lately with going to see my counselor and going to group every week. I am also taking on tasks around the house that, years ago, I would have never thought possible to do. I am also trying to maintain two blogs and writing in two separate journals. I have also been trying to make time to read and study a book by Albert Garner entitled "Defense of the Faith. I have also been working on a scrapbook of old pictures of me from when I was a baby to the age about 21. I have been remodeling things inside and out of my house. I go to church every Sunday morning and evening and also on Wednesday evenings for bible study.

With all that I have going on you would think I am to busy to enjoy life, but to tell the truth, I love it. I guess i worry that people will think that because I am fat that I sit around all day on my butt and do nothing. If i am to be truthful, years ago that is who I was. I am no longer that fat little girl who everyone picked on and said was to fat to do anything. Yes, I am still fat but oh well. Like I tell the ladies in group, if I spend all my time worrying about being fat and losing a pound here or there then that dampens my life. I am out in the world now and having a great time meeting new people and see new things.

I was just going to write a short paragraph about things going on but when I get to typing my fingers don't want to stop. I have been asked to be the clown for church so i will post pictures of me when that I also plan to post pictures of all the remodeling AI have been doing. I have also gotten into planting flowers again this year so I may post about that too. 

My days are being filled with things that make me happy and I am trying to makes others happy while doing it. I have been getting a lot of compliments in group from the ladies. I am being told that I am inspiring some of them and I must say they have been such a blessing to me. I have met a few that are going to college and are older then me and it is helping me to get over my fears so I may one day go as well. I would love so much to go back to school. The  ladies in my group say they know I will do great and that I am smart. My low self imagine doesn't see it that way.

 I guess that is enough ramblings for today. One little paragraph turns into a whole God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Sindi, you're a funny person with a great sense of humour and you're VERY creative. I'm sure that if you do go back to school one day, you'll do JUST FINE! :-D But even if you don't go, you're LOVELY just the way you are.

    I'm HAPPY to know you're happy and busy he he...:-D
