Friday, December 7, 2007

It Snowed! ! ! ! !

It snowed last night! It was so great to see all those snow flakes coming down. I went outside and took some pictures.I noticed the nice white snow was piling up on my porch so I just had to draw a happy face. Isn't he cute? It was about midnight when I had went out to play around by myself. I left a couple of friends in the house playing on the computer. My Mother came home from work and as she walked up the drive way to go over home I hollered to her. She says really loud" What?". I tell her to come over and when she does I snap her picture. She says to me" Is that all you wanted ?", I grinned and said" yes!". She went home after she laughed at me.I got cold and came back in but I did have fun in the snow.I showed my friends the pictures so they wanted to go play too. I made a collage of the pictures they took so I hope you can see them.I just love all the snow!! :)


  1. You know that condition can be cured nowadays.

    You play in it and I drive in it.

  2. Ohh...that was wonderful!! Ha're funny with your mom. :D

  3. love the pictures but there is only one thing im not in them HE!!!HE!!! im happy u had fun i love the snow to hugs&smiles to you

  4. wow..Snow. In here, we still not get any snow yet :(

  5. I live in California, need I say more.

  6. Hi Sindi, I have tag for you :D Check out at my blog when ever you have time ^.^


  7. Sindi, you have another award waiting for you at my blog. It is the Bodacious Blog award! You might have been given it by someone else too.

  8. great pics sis. I wanted to p[lay in it but I went back to work and had to sleep :( DOn't forget me LOL

  9. YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS...let's keep on having fun with snow! ;-D YIIIHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! And stay young, too he he he he...LOVE the pics! ;-D

    And here's an award for you as well hi hi hi...

    Spreader of Love Award
