Saturday, December 8, 2007

Stacy Wacy Day:)

Every Wednesday I go running around town with my friend Stacy. It is one of the ideas she came up with to get me out of the house more. She was always taking her husband lunch because Wednesdays are payday, so she asked me to come along. I have to say I enjoy it even though we don't really do a lot.

Our usual day starts with her coming to pick me up. We sit and have a glass of my tea and then go pee so we can head out the door to go pick up his check. We go all the way to the south end of town to pick it up then we have to run all the way back north to their bank so we can cash it. Then we run to somewhere in the middle of town to pick him up some lunch. He never picks the same thing every week so we go to a different restaurant every time.

This week Steven was working to far out of town for us to bring him lunch. Stacy decided that we would go to Marshall to a place called Mill Creek. Mill Creek is a park and camping grounds area on a creek. Stacy's parents like to camp and fish there all summer. Stacy had come up with the idea to get each of her parents a gift certificate for Mill Creek. Stacy's parents are very hard to buy for because they have everything they want. They are also the type of people that just go out and get what they want, but they don't really want much. You never hear them talk about what they want but boy do they talk about what they want to get for their grand kids. They are the perfect set of grandparents.

I am such a bad friend, Stacy will tell you different, but I am. I went with her to keep her company on the long drive up there. I fell asleep before we ever left town. HE HE HE HE I only slept for about 10 maybe 15 minutes but I felt bad about it. I woke up to her little squeal because the wind was blowing so hard that it felt like we would be blown off the road.The rest of the trip there was pretty nice. The clouds were low in the sky and the sky was such a beautiful shade of blue.

We get there and, while we are waiting for the nice lady to copy off the certificates, I notice a paper on the bulletin board. There was a picture of a wood caving. I show it to Stacy and the lady at the counter tells us that there are 4 wood carvings in the park. Stacy asks the lady if we could go see them, because the park is closed in winter, and she tells us that it would be OK.Here are the pictures of the wood carvings.



Dog Chasing Raccoon

Stacy wanted her picture taken with the doggie so here is a picture of her and then one of me. We froze our butts off standing out there taking pictures. We had a really good time that day. I know that I want to go back there next summer to camp and maybe start going there for picnics. I think Kevin, Shawn, and I could use some R&R.


  1. I want to tell first of all you are not a bad friend you are my best friend and I love you to death in the friend kind of way LOL!! :) I really enjoyed my self that day to. and I'm so happy that you go with me on paydays to do my running if turth is told you keep me more company then u know. Even if you do doze off sometimes HE!!!HE!! I dont mind it. love you hugs & smiles to you my sindi

  2. did you have fun? loves you lol

  3. Cute pics. Maybe someday you will go run errands with me. You are a good friend no matter what.

  4. About being a friend: I wrote on my blog when I paid tribute to my good friend Brenda that a friend is one who knows everything about you, but loves you anyway.

  5. Running is good! ;-D Let's stay healthy he he he...

    And AMAZING carviinngggsss! ME LOVE 'em! I can't believe my eyes when I see them he he he...

    It's GREAT to hang out with a friend or friends someplace. Mmmmm...I'm looking forward to next summer when one of my closest friends probably visits me here he he he he...

  6. You are very blessed just to have a friend to do things with. It sounded like a fun day!

  7. The pictures looked nic...but somehow I can't let my mind off about the place's name. It's something like a creepy place in a movie...ha ha ha...just kidding!!! Glad you both had FUN!!! YAYY!!!
