Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Furry Visitor

For the past week or two I have had a little visitor. He comes to lay on my banister to relax. He just lays there until he is scared away. I am use to seeing them in the summer but not when it is cold out like now. I just had to snap his picture. He just looked so peaceful just laying there.You can tell that he is very well fed, look at his belly. He did not like getting his picture taken so he left right afterward. I know he will be back, because he always comes back.


  1. AAWW!!!! he is so cute:) and he is a fatty.LOL!! HE!!HE!! Love the picture:)

  2. Now that's cute. He looks so peaceful.

  3. He he he... He's cuteee!!! Maybe a bit rascal ha ha!!!

  4. That's a FAT squirrel!!!! HE HE HE HE HE...

  5. That's adorable. I won't tell you what my husband would do.

  6. Hey guess what I just found out you can win a pair of diamond earrings go to my blog and click on the last link to find out how u can win

  7. Hi Sindi,
    I have noticed these squirrells everywhere after reading your post!!!

  8. Thank you to everyone who thought my little visitor is cute. I guess my house is peaceful and he likes to sit here. If he comes back again I might take some more pics of him.

    Don't worry I know what your hubby would do and it is ok. Just as long as he stays away from this one he can have all the rest. HE HE HE HE:)

    If I ever see Bullwinkle, a real bullwinkle I would be frozen with fear, but them the thought of getting a picture would take over and I would snap it and run. HE HE HE HE

    Maybe all his friends went to your house for a visit.

    I will check it out.
