Friday, January 11, 2008

Greatly Blessed :)

You never know how truly blessed you are until it is shown to you. I was sick for a while and there was a lot of holiday craziness that has kept me busy. Because of this craziness I have not been able to write about how my Christ+mas went.

To start by telling you that my Christ+mas was great would be an understatement. I was worried this year because I had not had any money to save for presents and just to pay the bills I was scrapping the bottom of the barrel. I knew my hubby would be getting a small bonus, but I also knew that it would not cover much. I know this part sound a little depressing ,but keep reading because the good part is coming up.

I love to give gifts to my friends even if I can't spend much on them.Shopping Spree I was shopping at little dollar stores and I was grabbing anything that I could that was on sale. My poor Husband was ran ragged because I would see something on sale that I thought someone would like and I would send him out to get. I can be a pain but he lived through it and I think he actually had some fun at it. Most years he would just let me shop for everyone and would not care about it. This year he took part in helping with the shopping and I think it made him enjoy the Holiday more. Anyways I was able to buy for all my friends and for their kids and have a little for Kevin and I to spend on each other.

On Christ+mas Eve I cook and family and friends come to visit and eat. I could not afford to buy all the special foods that I like to cook for everyone but I was able to feed a lot of people. I made meatballs in my 7 quart slow cooker and they were a hit. I made my homemade dip to go with the chips and we also had Ham. I even had enough to make my cute little sausage and cheese tray.
I could only make one desert and if you know me then you know that making deserts is my favorite. Making just one was difficult because I wanted to make more. I just took an Angle food cake and sat it in the center of a platter. I then took fresh Strawberries and copped them up. I stirred them into some white icing and then poured that over the cake. The first time my brother saw it he just started laughing at me. He said it looked like a big pile of meat or ham salad stacked up. I didn't care, it sure tasted good and everyone else loved it.

After everyone left late Christ+mas Eve night, I washed dishes and I set out the candy for Christ+mas morning.
The next morning my mother and brother came over to watch us open presents and my brother helps the dog open his. My brother spoils my dog, sometimes I think that maybe it is really his dog and he just lets the dog live with us .
T.J. loves to open presents so I try to spend a couple of dollars on him every year. He really liked his new bone. He carried it around with him for a while before he hide it.
I did get some really great gifts too. The small doll and candle were given to me by Michelle of Rusin Round Up. She made the candle herself and I just love it.

The frog key chain and ear rings were from my sister, I do love my frogs.
These are from Stacy of My Thought and her girls. These gifts were really special because the girls took their own money that they earned to get me something. Katelynn gave me the glass peacock and I have it right here sitting on my desk. Kelcey gave me the goose berry bag and the body wash. The candle were from Stacy cause she knows I love candles. I can't leave out her hubby Steven. He did take part in my gifts. He wrapped them. When I say he wrapped them I mean he really wrapped them good. He thought it was funny to make sure that i was not getting into it and then he filled it up with tons of stickers to fill it in. You are so funny Steve!Thanks guys:)
My friend Beth gave me a frog bath set a frog key chain and my favorite perfume, Charlie.
My brother ran all over town just to find me the Emmit Otters Jug Band Christmas DVD. It is a tradition in our family to watch it every year. It is a movie that just makes us smile and reminds us that you don't have to have a lot to enjoy the holidays.

The last are gifts from my Hubby and son. I have had the same pillow since I was a girl in high school, YUK, so this year I decided I needed a new one. Kevin ran down one day and got me 2 so when I wear one out I will have a spare. They also got me 4 winter shirts, a set of speakers for my MP3 player, a frog bath set, 2 cross picture frames with Amazing Grace and Rock of Ages on them
and my favorite gift was my Reba CD.

My Mother received a wonderful gift also this year. My Brother got her a man. This man does not talk back or leave messes around and she doesn't even have to feed him. He is one of those blow up Colts Player Guys. I told her with the luck she has had in the past with guys she is better of with him. HE HE HE HE :) The funniest thing is that she is so little that it is almost as tall as her.
After all the gifts were unwrapped I was left with a really big mess. I did what I do best, I cleaned again, but this time Kevin helped.:)
I do believe we were greatly blessed this year. We had our family and friends to spend the days with and some little extra gifts on the side. Present


  1. Glad you had a wonderful day and glad you liked the gifts I gave you. I really loved the gifts you gave to me!!!

  2. Wow! What a beautiful Christmas you had! I think that everyone should take a couple of steps back and realize what our greatest gifts are.....our family and our friends and our gatherings of such!

    You are so blessed and I believe it may be because you are such a blessing to others.

    Wonderful post, Sindi, wonderful!

  3. AWWWWW...BLESS YOU, Sindi!!! ;-D Truly a WONDERFUL post. So you love candles and frogs and Reba. Got it!!! ;-D
