Saturday, October 25, 2008
Composed By
3:25 PM
Wonderful Words
Friday, October 10, 2008
My New Church
I had left my old church many, many ,many years ago, but I tried to keep to my beliefs. I knew I needed to find a new church but had lost all faith in churches. I am afraid of people and big crowds, so I knew I was going to have a problem with finding a church. I prayed for God to show me where I needed to be.

On July 13,2008 I went to a luncheon at the church. They church has one every month so we can all get together at fer services to eat and talk. When I first heard about it I got really excited, but was nervous. I wanted to cook something but was afraid no one would like what I cooked. I decided I was going to have to put my foot down and stop being afraid all the time.I took a walnut cake and got a lot of compliments on it. My cooking can never match up to the other ladies there but I can try. I will post the walnut cake recipe at a later date for those who would like to try it.It is the easiest cake to make.
God Bless and Have A Wonderful Weekend ! !
Composed By
4:36 PM
Wonderful Words
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Update On Stacy ! ! !
Hello everyone! I know it has been a while since I have blogged but I am trying to come back. I just wanted to give all Stacy's Blogger friends an Update on how she is doing. Stacy, of My Thoughts, has come through her surgery and is doing great. I am not going to give away how much weight she has lost because I think she would want to tell you all. Just know that she is doing great and is happy. I am traveling to see her this weekend. Thank you to everyone for the prayers that were said for her. I know she greatly appreciates it. God Bless and keep smiling.
Tomorrow I am posting about my new church :-)
Composed By
6:19 PM
1 Wonderful Words