When my Husband and I had our first Christmas together we bought a cute little tree. I like our tree but I noticed that it was no different then any one Else's. Everything on the tree was bought at the store and the tree seemed to be missing something. Love, our tree was missing love. The tree did not seem special. I decides to start making my own ornaments for the tree. My mother bought me some little $.99 tree ornaments kits one year. I now find different patterns in books to do on my own. I have been making them ever since. I have made a total of 30 ornaments over the years.
This year I made 8. I have gotten fast at making them each year. I decided to add beads to them also and I think they turned out very nice. I hope you all enjoy seeing them. The last one pictured is one that I messed up on. Even though I botched up on it, it still looks nice. My tree looks special now even if it is only special to me.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Ornaments
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9:38 PM
Wonderful Words
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
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3:25 PM
Wonderful Words
Friday, October 10, 2008
My New Church
I had left my old church many, many ,many years ago, but I tried to keep to my beliefs. I knew I needed to find a new church but had lost all faith in churches. I am afraid of people and big crowds, so I knew I was going to have a problem with finding a church. I prayed for God to show me where I needed to be.

On July 13,2008 I went to a luncheon at the church. They church has one every month so we can all get together at fer services to eat and talk. When I first heard about it I got really excited, but was nervous. I wanted to cook something but was afraid no one would like what I cooked. I decided I was going to have to put my foot down and stop being afraid all the time.I took a walnut cake and got a lot of compliments on it. My cooking can never match up to the other ladies there but I can try. I will post the walnut cake recipe at a later date for those who would like to try it.It is the easiest cake to make.
God Bless and Have A Wonderful Weekend ! !
Composed By
4:36 PM
Wonderful Words
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Update On Stacy ! ! !
Hello everyone! I know it has been a while since I have blogged but I am trying to come back. I just wanted to give all Stacy's Blogger friends an Update on how she is doing. Stacy, of My Thoughts, has come through her surgery and is doing great. I am not going to give away how much weight she has lost because I think she would want to tell you all. Just know that she is doing great and is happy. I am traveling to see her this weekend. Thank you to everyone for the prayers that were said for her. I know she greatly appreciates it. God Bless and keep smiling.
Tomorrow I am posting about my new church :-)
Composed By
6:19 PM
1 Wonderful Words
Friday, August 15, 2008
My New Friends
This post is to help get the word out for my 2 new friends and 1 friend I have had for a long time. My 2 new friends are Steve and Nicky. I have told them about Blogger and they have both started a blog page of there own. Steve's blog is called Steve2k78 and Nicky's blog is called Nicky2k8. My long time friend is Jeffrey. Jeffrey's blog is called Life of a regular Teenager. I have written a little about each of them so please stop by and check out their blogs.
Here are my friends:
I met Steve on a site called face book. Some of you are already friends of mine on face book. For those of you who are not then just stop on by Face book and look for me. I am always looking to make new friends.
When I first started talking to Steve I was afraid. Most of my friends know I am pretty much scared of people but I have been trying to change that and talk to more people.I was depressed a lot.
Steve just started talking to me one night on face book's chat. He just had a way of making me feel safe and that I could talk freely and be me. I needed someone to talk to and Steve didn't seem to mind just listen to a lonely person rambling on. He will tell you that I didn't ramble, but I did.
I have found a great friend in Steve and I know he will stay my friend for the rest of my life. Steve is my angel.
Steve's partner Nicky is also a very sweet person.

Nicky lives in London with Steve.I am hoping to become as good a friend with her like I am with Steve. Nicky sends a hello to me whenever Steve and I are chatting. She doesn't seem to mind that Steve and I talk forever it seems sometimes. Sometimes we are all chatting at once because she is right there with Steve when he is talking to me.

I can tell just from the talks with Steve that she is his soul mate.

It makes me feel great to know that I have 2 great people to talk to when I need them. I was greatly blessed the day I met these wonderful people.
Jeffrey has lived across the street from me since he was about 7 years old. Jeffrey likes to act like he is an angel, but he isn't so angelic sometimes.

There have been days while he was growing up that he made me want to pull my hair out.

Jeffrey is just a normal teenager who, like any one else, wants to be heard. Whenever he sees me, he yells Hello Sindimiester and I yell back Hello Jeffreymiester.

He will be in my life forever because he is a wonderful person and I have greatly enjoyed watching him grow into a very sweet young man.
These are my 3 friends that I deeply care about, just like I care about all my blogger friends. It would make me happy if all of you could stop by and tell these friends hello. I will be visiting you all soon and God Bless :-)
Composed By
1:42 PM
Wonderful Words
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Bad Day :-(
Well I don't know how else to say it but, why me! I don't know how I can keep smiling when so much goes wrong around here. Thursday was one of those days where you want to crawl back into bed and tell the world to take a flying leap at your hind quarters.
I get woke up Thursday morning, around 10 because I was sleeping in, to Kevin coming in the door. He wanted to stop in while he was out running, in the company truck, to let me know he blew a tire. I had mentioned to him the night before that I felt a wobble in the front tire. Well like he always does, he ignored me and didn't check it. He was driving down the highway to work when it blew and he nearly flipped the van. He had to pull it off the road and start walking. Luckily the bosses wife was driving by and saw him and sent someone back with a gas can of gas because she thought he ran out of gas.
He doesn't do anything about the van until later on that night. His boss got us a tire to use and Kevin had to run down to the Big Box Store ( Walmart) to have it mounted. When he does get the tire to the van he sees that someone has come along and stolen the licence plate off of it. He stops a police officer who tells him that there is nothing he can do for him.
Kevin comes home in a raging fit yelling and screaming at me over the whole thing.
All I could do was ask why are you yelling at me about it? It wasn't my fault, I don't even drive so what was the point of taking it out on me.
Then i just had to open my big mouth and say something smart alick back to him.
I just had to point out that we had plenty of funds in the bank for him to buy a tire and he could have had it fixed within 2 hours of it blowing. He tried to use the excuse that he had to work but then ,my mouth again, I had to point out that he had plenty of time to run by the house that morning and tell me about it. Kevin's boss is a wonderfully nice man and would have given him the time to fix the tire with pay, because the man has done it for us before. My mouth again had to point out that he was just being lazy and didn't want to mess with it.
We finally get the van back to the house and then Kevin has to go and file a police report. They tell him that it happens all the time because of the gas prices. People will put your licence plate on their car and then go to a gas station and steal gas. Then when the police get the number from the gas station they show up to take your butt to jail. They gave him papers to turn into the licence branch so we could get new plates. It was an outrageously crazy day.
But wait! There is more HA HA HA! My Mother and Brother are moving to a new house and we were suppose to help then, well no plates=no van =no help moving. Then my brother comes storming in the door to tell me that the stearring just went out in his van. All of this in one day and I had nothing to do with any of it, but guess who had to hear all the complaining and yelling and bull. Well it was wonderful ol" me!
Sorry folks just needed to vent for a little bit but I do feel better. I hope all my blogger friends are having a much better week , month, life then I am right now. God Bless and keep smiling , cause I am :-)
Composed By
11:12 AM
Wonderful Words
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Composed By
2:00 AM
Wonderful Words